HOW TO APPLY FOR UMID ID – You can check the procedure below in applying for the Unified Multi-Purpose Identification ID.
One of the valid IDs that you can have is the Unified Multi-Purpose Identification ID or more popularly called the UMID. It is very easy to get this type of identification card which you can use in many purposes.
UMID ID Application Process & the Requirements to Get Card
Guide on UMID ID Application Process & the Documents Needed
UMID ID APPLICATION – Here are the process and the documents needed in getting a Unified Multi-Purpose Identification ID.
Most formal transactions in the Philippines as well as in other countries require the presentation of a valid ID. Thus, most Filipinos make sure they have at least one (1) valid ID that they can use in applying for a loan, subscribing to an internet provider, buying a car, enrolling to a course, etc.

Truth be told that applying for an ID make time some time before the identification document card will be released. Thus, if you will be needing it for something, it is best to apply for it weeks ahead of the time when you will exactly need it.
One of the identification cards that you may apply for is the Unified Multi-Purpose Identification card, more popularly known as the UMID ID. It is one of the IDs that are considered primary in the Philippines.

Primary IDs are usually issued by government agencies in the Philippines. In the case of UMID ID application, it is done at the Social Security System, a state-run social insurance institution that is popularly called SSS. It replaces the SS ID.
Although it is the SSS that issues the UMID ID, it is a unified identification documents for the members of the four (4) government agency giants such as the SSS, the Government Service Insurance System or the GSIS, the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. or PhilHealth, and the Pag-IBIG Fund.
Eligibility Requirements. In getting a UMID ID, the applicant must be an active member of the Social Security System (SSS) who has posted at least one (1) monthly contribution. There are also UMID ID requirements that are documentary which you must prepare in getting the card.
With regards to the UMID ID application, you may first book an appointment online before visiting a branch of the Social Security System nearest to you. Here are the steps:
- Get an online copy of the UMID ID application form. Make sure you fill in the form in capital letters and state N/A if the specific detail requested in the form is not applicable to you.
- Visit My.SSS online and log in to your account. If you have no account at the portal yet, you may go for the SSS online registration first.
- Write the required information and pick the time for your appointment.
- Visit the SSS branch where you made an appointment.
- Get a copy of the UMID Application Form and state the information requested on the form.
- Submit the UMID ID Application Form and the other requirements to the SSS staff.
- Wait for the verification of your application.
- Proceed for the taking of your photo, electronic signature, and fingerprint scan.
- Wait for the release of the small slip which you will use in claiming the ID.
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