Guide on SSS Maternity Benefits Application for Claim Process
SSS MATERNITY BENEFITS – Here is a guide on how to file an SSS Maternity Benefit claim to the Social Security System.
The Social Security System (SSS) is one of the giant government agencies in the Philippines that offers exclusive benefits and loans for its members. It has millions of members across the nation and there are several overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who are also maintaining an SSS membership.

The membership to SSS is open to locally-employed and self-employed individuals, OFWs, household helpers, and the non-working spouse of the SSS members. There is a voluntary membership offer for everyone who is qualified.
For members to maintain an active and up-to-date record, he/she must pay the monthly contribution based on the SSS Contribution Table 2023. There are several benefits for SSS members including the SSS Maternity Benefits for pregnant members of the state-run social insurance institution.

There are only a few steps in processing an SSS Maternity Benefits claim to the Social Security System. You can check this guide below:
Step 1 – Check your Qualification
There are requirements for each of the SSS benefits offered to members. With regards to the eligibility requirements to qualify for the SSS Maternity Benefits, the member-applicant must:
- have paid at least three (3) months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of childbirth or emergency termination of pregnancy;
- if employed, the member must have notified the employer about the pregnancy; or
- if self-employed, separated from employment, or an OFW, the member must have notified the SSS about the pregnancy.
Step 2 – Prepare the Documentary Requirements
There are documentary requirements for SSS Maternity Benefit claim application that must be prepared and submitted to the social insurance institution. You must inform the SSS or your employers within 60 days since the conception.
Step 3 – Submit your documents.
Go to the nearest branch of the Social Security System (SSS) and submit your documents. The processing will take a few working days.
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