Requirements for SSS Disability Benefit Claim Member Must Submit to File Claim

Guide on the Requirements for SSS Disability Benefit Claim for Members

REQUIREMENTS FOR SSS DISABILITY BENEFIT – Here are the documents needed in filing a Disability Benefit claim to the Social Security System.

Members of the social institution giant SSS or the Social Security System has several offers and services to turn to. That is why most private companies in the Philippine require their employees to have a membership to the social insurance institution to expand their resources.

Social Security System (sss)
Photo Credit: PIA

Losing any part of your body is something that everyone does not want. However, when the inevitable or accidents happen, there is no other choice but to get on. Meanwhile, for the members of the Social Security System, there are offers that you can turn to in times of losing any of these body parts:

  • a finger
  • an arm
  • a foot
  • a leg
  • an ear
  • blindness of two(2) eyes
  • loss of two(2) hands
  • loss of two(2) feet
  • permanent paralysis of two(2) hands
  • permanent paralysis of two(2) feet
  • mental problem due to brain damage
Requirements for SSS Disability Benefit
Photo Credit: Usability Geek

The SSS Retirement Benefits are not the only benefit offer of the Social Security System. It also offers an SSS Disability Benefit for members in the instance of acquiring a permanent partial disability or a permanent total disability. According to the state-run social insurance institution, losing any of the following body parts is considered a permanent partial disability:

  • a foot
  • a finger
  • a leg
  • an arm
  • an ear

With regards to the conditions considered by the SSS as a permanent total disability, they include the following:

  • blindness of two (2) eyes
  • loss of two (2) hands
  • loss of two (2) feet
  • permanent paralysis of two (2) hands
  • permanent paralysis of two (2) feet
  • mental problem due to brain damage

For the eligibility requirements for the SSS Disability Benefit claim, the member must:

  • have paid a total of at least 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of the disability
  • have paid at least one (1) month of contribution before the semester of the disability

There are documentary requirements needed for the SSS Disability Benefit claim application. Here are the documents needed:

  1. Disability Claim Application (DisCA) Form
  2. Photo and Signature Form
  3. SSS Medical Certificate Form
  4. Supporting medical records
  5. SS card or other valid IDs

To file for a claim, submit your requirements for the SSS Disability Benefit claim to a branch of the state-run social insurance institution nearest to you.

Aside from the Disability Benefit, the Social Security System also offers other benefits such as the the SSS Sickness Benefit which has a different set of requirements. The SSS Maternity Benefit for pregnant members also has its own set of requirements for the filing of the claim.

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