Guide on the Requirements for SSS Death Benefit Claim Application
REQUIREMENTS FOR SSS DEATH BENEFIT – Here are the documents needed to file an Death Benefit claim to the Social Security System.
The Social Security System (SSS) has several benefit offers for its members that extends not only to the members but as well as their families. It has a Death Benefit offer that provides financial assistance to the family of the member who passed away.

The Social Security System has several benefit offers for its members and there are different requirements for SSS Sickness Benefit, requirements for SSS Maternity Benefit, requirements for SSS Disability Benefit, and requirements for SSS members who died.
There are eligibility requirements for SSS Death Benefit claim application. For a deceased member’s family to obtain the benefit, the member must:
- have paid a total of at least 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of death
The beneficiaries are the ones who must process the claim. The primary beneficiary of the member includes his/her…
- dependent spouse until he/she remarries
- dependent legitimate, legitimated, and illegitimate children who are 20 years old and below, not employed, and single

Here are the documentary requirements for the SSS Death Benefit claim application depending on which is applicable:
- duly-accomplished SSS Death Claim Application (SSS DDR-1)
- Death certificate of the member duly certified by PSA
- Affidavit of the claimant or Filer’s Affidavit
- Death certificate of the spouse duly certified by PSA (if the spouse is dead)
- Death certificate of the member’s parent duly certified by PSA
- Affidavit for Death Benefit Claim
- Affidavit of Legal Heirs
- Marriage Contract
- Birth/Baptismal Certificate of dependent children
- Birth/Baptismal Certificate of member
- Birth/Baptismal Certificate of the minor beneficiary/ies
- Medical Certificate of incapacitated child/spouse
- Marriage Contract of the parents
- Accident Report/Report of Death (SS Form BPN-105)
- Guarantor’s Form (SS Form BPN-107)
- Application for Guardianship (SS Form CLD-15)
- Passbook /ATM card with a name or copy of validated deposit slip (original and photocopy) or Cash Card Enrollment Form, if pension
- Recent residence certificate of the filer
- Original and photocopy of claimant’s Social Security Card, Passport, PRC Card, Seaman’s Book, Driver’s License, or any two valid Ids, at least one with photo
- latest 1 x 1 picture of the claimant
Submit the documentary requirements for SSS Death Benefit claim application to a branch of the Social Security System nearest to you. Aside from the benefits, the state-run social insurance institution also has loan offers including the SSS Salary Loan.
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