JUST IN: Cynthia Villar Tests Positive for COVID-19

Senate Pres. Migz Zubiri Says Sen. Cynthia Villar Tested Positive for COVID-19

CYNTHIA VILLAR – The Senator tested positive for COVID-19 according to Senate President Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri.

The fight against the spread of COVID-19 is not yet over. The World Health Organization (WHO) even recently reminded countries amid the easing of restrictions that the pandemic is “nowhere near over”. According to the international body, the pandemic is not over anywhere if it is not over everywhere.

In the Philippines, restrictions remain with most areas in the country including Metro Manila being under Alert Level 1, the loosest measure. The COVID cases in the country started increasing a few weeks after the Elections 2022.

Recently, several politicians who have just assumed office tested positive for COVID-19. There are also incumbent government officials who contracted the disease – like Sen. Cynthia Villar.

Photo Source: Politics.com

Based on a recent post of Inquirer on its official Facebook page, Senate Pres. Migz Zubiri said that Sen. Cynthia Villar tested positive for COVID-19. Currently, there are three (3) senators who are battling against the disease that was declared by WHO a pandemic more than two years ago.

Senators Alan Peter Cayetano and Imee Marcos also tested positive for COVID-19. According to Senate Pres. Zubiri, Marcos is experiencing “raging fever”. As of this writing, there are still no further details as to the condition of the senators.

A few days after he assumed office, Pres. Bongbong Marcos also contracted COVID-19. It was his second bout against the disease and his family was worried because his first bout took long before he got to recovery. Meanwhile, the 64-year-old President who is vaccinated against the virus recovered fast.

Marcos Jr. who is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and has received his booster shot was under isolation for seven (7) days. He had mild symptoms that disappeared fast.

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