Teenage Girl Rescued After Using TikTok Domestic Violence Hand Signal
The authorities rescued a teenage girl after using the domestic violence hand signal via social media app TikTok.
Laurel County Sheriff’s Office said that they were able to rescue a 16-year-old girl in Kentucky for using hand gesture she learned on TikTok. The young woman signaled the motorists to indicate that she in danger.
The young lady shows her palm facing outwards and closing the fingers around the tucked thumb, which indicates that a person is being abused or trouble without alerting the abuser.

The hand signal has been demonstrated by users and non-profit organizations on the giant social media app.
The Laurel County Sheriff’s Office said that the girl made the signal while she was sitting in the front passenger seat from inside the car. One of the motorists recognized the hand signal and quickly called 9-1-1.
9-1-1 immediately respond and send law enforcement officers to apprehend the vehicle last Thursday (November 4, 2021).

“That hand gesture was everything. Had that not been…transmitted by the young lady, had there not been someone out there that knew how to interpret what she was doing, then who knows? We might not have had a good resolution on this,” Deputy Gilbert Acciardo said.
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Acciardo said that the law enforcement agencies and motorists should be aware of those signals.
The authorities arrested the 61-year-old suspect identified as James Herbert Brick. The suspect would face unlawful imprisonment and possession of sexual material pertaining to a minor.
The teenage girl has been brought to the hospital and finally reunited with her family.
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