Conceptual Framework Example & Step By Step Guide

Here Is An Example Of A Step By Step Guide On How To Create A Conceptual Framework

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK – In this article, we are going to talk about how to create an example of a conceptual framework.

First off, we need to understand exactly what a conceptual framework is. Furthermore, we are going to discuss how we are to prepare one and simplified steps on how to create it.

You will need to develop the conceptual framework of your study while creating your research paper as one of the prerequisites for your course as an undergraduate or graduate student.

Conceptual Framework Example & Step By Step Guide

The entire research endeavor is guided by the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework acts as a “road map” or “rudder” to help you achieve your study’s aims or intent.

With that out of the way, here are the four easy steps on how to create a conceptual framework:

  • Choose your topic
  • Conduct a literature review
  • Isolate the important variables
  • Generate the conceptual framework.

CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC – Make a decision on your study topic. The topic should be related to your area of expertise.

DO A LITERATURE REVIEW – Following a thorough examination of the problem, review relevant and current research on the theme you’ve chosen to work on. Use peer-reviewed, well-known scientific journals whenever possible because they are credible sources of information.

ISOLATE THE IMPORTANT VARIABLES – Determine the relationships between the specific variables provided in the literature. Some abstracts include the variables, and the key findings may therefore be useful. If these aren’t available, look for the summary of the research paper.

GENERATE THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK – Using the variables from the scientific publications you’ve studied, create your conceptual framework. It is constructed using your problem statement or study objective as a guide. In effect, your research will attempt to answer a question that has yet to be answered by other researchers. Your study should fill a knowledge void.

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