Jinggoy Estrada Speaks About Video Sent To Him By Nurse on Duty for Erap

Former Sen. Jinggoy Estrada Gives Update About Former Pres. Erap’s Condition Now

JINGGOY ESTRADA – The Former Senator spoke about the video sent to him by the nurse on duty for former Pres. Joseph “Erap” Estrada.

One of the celebrities who contracted COVID-19 in the Philippines is former President Joseph “Erap” Ejercito Estrada. The former Chief Executive was brought to the hospital after his oxygen level dropped.

It sparked more concerns when the former President was further moved to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). He had to be intubated to assist him in his breathing. His eldest son, former Senator Jinggoy Estrada, is the one who spearheads the making of decisions about the medical concerns of former Pres. Erap.

Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, during an online mass held for the healing of the former President. the former Senator shared about asking the doctor of the possibility if he won’t allow his father to be intubated.

Former Pres. Joseph Estrada
Photo: Philippine Star

“He will not last, she said. So I said, do what you have to do since time was crucial. With God’s mercy and guidance, he is recovering,” the former Senator shared.

According to him, the former President has already been extubated and his vital signs are okay now. He also shared to over 80 people who attended the mass that his father has “no fever, no agitation” anymore.

Jinggoy Estrada
Photo: Star News

Based on the report, former Senator Jinggoy Estrada also shared about the video sent to him by the nurse on duty for former Pres. Erap. According to him, the nurse captured his father singing “Always You” after he was extubated.

Former Sen. Jinggoy Estrada said that “Always You” is one of the favorite songs of the former President. According to him, the x-ray of his father showed improvements and he is “gradually recovering, but not yet off the woods”.

Currently, the condition of the former President is still under monitoring as he fights against COVID-19. He previously assured the people that he is strong and he also reminded everyone to be careful from the virus.

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READ ALSO: Jinggoy Estrada on Deciding for Erap: “Natural lang na iasa nila sa akin lahat”

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