Christine Dacera’s Family Reacts To Accusations They’re After Insurance Benefits

Christine Dacera’s Family Reveals There’s No Application for Insurance Benefits Yet

CHRISTINE DACERA’S FAMILY – The camp of Christine Angelica Dacera reacted to the accusations that they are after the insurance benefits.

The case over the death of Christine Angelica Dacera has yet to come to a conclusion. The fighting is still fighting for justice over the death of the flight attendant while the respondents stand firm on their claim of innocence.

At least 11 people are currently facing charges over the death of Dacera. Most of them are her friends whom she shared the same room with when they checked in at City Garden Grand Hotel in Makati City for the New Year’s eve.

According to her companions, they had drink drinks and they played parlor games. The next day, Dacera was found dead in a bathtub of the room.

Christine Dacera

The autopsy on the remains of Christine Angelica Dacera pointed to ruptured aortic aneurysm as the cause of her death. The same findings was stated by the Philippine National Police (PNP) in their medico-legal report.

Christine Dacera’s family did not accept the findings of the police. They do not believe that she died of a natural cause citing the bruises in the body of the flight attendant.

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Amid the ongoing investigation, there were accusations from netizens that Christine Dacera’s family is just after the insurance benefits for the flight attendant. To this, the family reacted.

christine dacera burial

Based on a report on Pep, the Dacera family stressed that they are after justice over the death of the flight attendant and not her insurance benefits. In the reply affidavit they submitted, it is stated that they do not accept the findings of the PNP Crime Laboratory.

Speaking in the Boy Abunda Interview Special, Christine’s mother Sharon and their lawyer expressed that there is no truth to accusations that they are after her insurance benefits as no application was made for it yet.

According to Atty. Brix Reyes, the “simple reason” why the Daceras did not apply for the insurance benefits of Christine is because they do not accept the death certificate made by Dr. Sarmiento, the PNP medico-legal officer who autopsied her body.

“So thereā€™s no application for benefits. She has not received a single centavo from this alleged policy,” the lawyer said.

Sharon Dacera that the issue is not about the insurance but the death of her daughter. She stressed that she can borrow Php 2 million but it cannot return the life of her daughter.

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