Pres. Duterte To Name New Chief of PhilHealth Today
DUTERTE – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is set to announced the new president of the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) today, August 31.
Recently, the state-insurance company Philippine Health Insurance Corp. or more commonly called as PhilHealth was dragged into corruption issues. It was after one of its former employee exposed an alleged massive corruption inside the institution.
The accusations did not past the authorities. A hearing was held to investigate the matter despite its former chief, Ricardo Morales, being quick to put down the allegations.
Amid the investigation, several PhilHealth officers signed a bank secrecy waiver. It will allow the authorities to check on their bank accounts as part of the probe on the alleged corruption.
visit: Several PhilHealth Executive Officials Sign Bank Secrecy Waiver

Previously, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has expressed his advise for PhilHealth Chief Ricardo Morales to resign. It was due to his health condition.
Morales left his post and his resignation was accepted by the President. The Palace assured that he is not free from the issues surrounding his term as the chief of the state-led insurance institution.
Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, Senator Christopher “Bong” Go expressed that Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte is set to announce the new president of PhilHealth today, August 31.
According to the report, the naming of the new chief of the state-led insurance institution will take place on Monday night during his weekly televised address to the Filipinos.
Currently, while the new chief has yet to be announced, PhilHealth Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Arnel De Jesus is leading the institution. However, he was also not able to attend to the hearing due to his medical condition – heart ailments and diabetes.
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