What Are The Four Types Of Communication Styles? (ANSWER)

What Are The Four Types Of Communication Styles? (ANSWER)

FOUR TYPES OF COMMUNICATION STYLES – In this topic, we are going to know about the four styles of comunication.


A communication styles is a broad way where people tend to communicate with others. It is also defined as a way where they interact and exchange information with others.

Every individual has his or her own unique communication style. It is derived into four:


Those who use this style usually act indifferently, yielding to others. These people usually fail to express their feelings or needs and allows others to express themselves.

His or Her lack of outward communication may usually result to misunderstanding, anger build-up or resentment.

At the same time, these can be safer to speak with whenever a conflict arises since they most likely to avoid a confrontation or defer to others.


This style is emphasized by speaking in a loud and demanding voice, maintaining intense eye contact and dominating or controlling others by blaming, intimidating, criticizing, threatening or attacking them, among other traits.

They often issue commands, ask questions rudely and fail to listen to others. At the same time, thy can be considered leaders and command respect.


A combination of both, they appear passive on the surface but can build up a resentment that leads to seething or acting out in subtle, indirect or secret ways.

These communicators will usually mutter to themselves rather than confront a person or issue. They will have a hard time acknowledging their anger, use facial expressions that don’t correlate with how they feel and even denial.


Said to be the most effective form of communication, this features an open communication link while not being overbearing.

They are able to express their own needs, desires, ideas and feelings, and at the same time, considering the needs of others. these aim for both sides to have a win-win situation.

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