Indonesia Zoo To Slaughter Other Animals To Feed Their Carnivores

Other animals might be slaughtered in an Indonesia zoo as they struggle to provide food for their carnivores.

INDONESIA ZOO – A zoo in Badung, Indonesia fears to kill some of their animals to feed others like their Sumatran tiger and Javan leopard.

Many establishments and businesses are now struggling due to months of forced shut down so as to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). And among of those are the zoos. Some of them are currently struggling to feed their animals.

Indonesia Zoo
Photo courtesy: Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana, Reuters

From the usual amount of food they were given on a regular basis, it has been cut down as they are suffering from a shortage. And this is the same thing that is happening now in a zoo in Indonesia. 850 of the animals of Badung zoo were fed in smaller portions and they fear that if they run out of food, they are considering to slaughter some of their other animals.

Culling of some of their animals is the worst-case scenario they’ve been considering. Sulhan Syafi’i, the zoo’s spokesman said, “We have around thirty dotted deer, and we have identified the old and unproductive ones (who can no longer breed) to be slaughtered to save the carnivores, such as the Sumatran tiger and Javan leopard.”

They need more than 400 kg of fruit per day and 120 kg of meat every other day and currently, amid the pandemic, they are relying on donations to feed their animals and keep them alive. Although animals were given smaller amounts of food, the see to it that they still meet the minimum animal welfare standards.

One person who donated and was allowed to visit said that the crocodiles and tigers are fatter and healthier but the lion isn’t. Its still skinny. Most zoos of the country appealed already to President Joko Widodo to help them as their supplies to feed these animals will only last until the end of May as per ABS-CBN report.


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