DAD JOKES – Even More Examples Of Corny Jokes Made By Your Dad
DAD JOKES – Here are even more of the following examples of dad jokes or jokes made by fathers that are corny and somewhat funny.

A dad joke refers to an unoriginal or unfunny joke or a type that are told by middle-aged men or older men, especially fathers or dads, since they are associated with these.
There are times when our father would, on the spot, make a joke of a situation and ended up sounding corny, making some of us laugh or cringe.
In the end, as we might venture into fatherhood, we tend to take the mantle and made some of theese jokes ourselves as well.
You can check out the previous list here.
Here are some of these jokes, as uplifted from websites such as PinoyCollection, and more:
- “So I came home from work yesterday to find that someone broke into my apartment. Looking around, it seemed like they didn’t really take a whole lot. My TV was still there, my PS4, and my legos were fine. But the apartment was dark, even when I tried to turn on the lights. Seems the only thing that was taken were my lightbulbs and a couple lamps… I was delighted.”
- “I hate perforated lines, they’re tearable.”
- Q: What do you call a cow that just had a baby?
A: DeCALFeinated or A New Moother - “I’ve just been diagnosed as color blind. I know, it really came out of the purple.”
- Q: What do you call an apology written in dots and dashes?
A: Remorse code - Q: Where do hamburgers go to dance?
A: They go to the meat-ball - Q: What would Bears be without Bees?
A: Ears! - “My wife asked me to stop singing “Wonderwall” to her. I said maybe –”
- “What kind of drink can be bitter and sweet? Reali-tea.”
- “Why do some couples go to the gym? Because they want their relationship to work out.”
- “Why did the old man fall in the well? Because he couldn’t see that well!”
- “Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? He couldn’t see himself doing it!”
- “I tell dad jokes but I have no kids…I’m a faux pa!”
- “I’ll call you later. Don’t call me later, call me Dad!”
- “Five out of four people admit they’re bad with fractions!”