Holy Week 2020: Maundy Thursday Prayer
MAUNDY THURSDAY PRAYER – Here is a guide on a prayer to the Almighty God this Thursday of the Holy Week 2020.
Currently, we are on the Holy Week from April 6, 2020 to April 12, 2020. Filipinos are religious by nature and many usually join the activities of the church during Holy Week.
However, due to the recent happenings brought by the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Philippines, masses were cancelled. Everyone is encouraged to stay at home and to exhibit social distancing.
Prior to the Holy Week, for several Sundays already, churches are not holding a mass. People turn to televised masses they can watch at the comfort of their homes.

This Holy Week 2020, public church activities may still not be held due to the situation brought by COVID-19. Meanwhile, we can take the opportunity to stay at home, reflect, and pray.
Networks have prepared religious programs in line with the Holy Week 2020. Aside from watching them, it is best to turn to prayers. Here is a Maundy Thursday prayer from I Believe:

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