After COVID-19 Declines, Hantavirus Begins New Outbreak In China
HANTAVIRUS – Just as the Coronavirus outbreak in China starts to dwindle, the country is faced with another viral outbreak.
Recently, health authorities in China reported little to no cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan. However, a whistle-blower from the city’s disease prevention unit said they were finding asymptomatic cases every day.
Now, China is reported to have another viral outbreak on their hands. According to a report from Global Times, China’s English tabloid, a person from Yunnan succumbed to the re-emerging hantavirus.
Based on reports, the man died on his way back to Shandong Province on a bus. Additionally, he tested positive for the new virus.
Following this, the other 32 passengers on the bus were tested for the same virus and are awaiting results.
This new development spawned research into the disease. As such, according to an article from daily times, research revealed that the orthohantavirus or hantaviruses are a strain of virus spread primarily by rodents.
Furthermore, the disease can cause syndromes and could affect people globally. Moreover, infections with any strain of hantaviruses can produce hantavirus in people.
(READ: Hantavirus: Everything You Need To Know & How It Spreads)
Hantaviruses in the United States were dubbed as “New World Hantaviruses”. These types of viruses could produce hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS).
Meanwhile, the virus strain found in Europe and Asia is known as “Old World”. These strains cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS).
READ ALSO: Hantavirus Misleading Post: Not Comparable To The New Coronavirus
Hantaviruses each have a specific rodent host species. In addition, the virus can spread to humans via inhalation of the aerosolized virus coming from urine, feces, and saliva. Furthermore, it could be spread through a bite from infected rodents.
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