BREAKING NEWS: High School Teacher in Japan Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Records of Coronavirus Patients Now Include High School Teacher in Japan

HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER IN JAPAN – A junior high school mentor in Japan tested positive for the 2019 novel coronavirus.

The confirmed cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus continue to increase. The said disease first emerged in Wuhan City in the province of Hubei in China.

There are speculations that the said strain of coronavirus came from bats. The disease has symptoms that are similar to flu – fever, colds, cough, and breathing difficulties.

Aside from China, there are also several other nations with confirmed cases of coronavirus. Some of the patients are Chinese who came from Wuhan or people who have visited the epicenter of the disease.

High School Teacher in Japan Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Japan is one of the countries greatly affected by the 2019 novel coronavirus. It has more than 700 confirmed cases now including the over 600 cases from the Diamond Princess cruise ship that docked in the country.

The said passengers and crew who tested positive for the disease were brought to the local hospitals in Japan. The ship was quarantined for two (2) weeks but it turned out that the rate of infection only increased every day.

Recently, Japan recorded four (2) new coronavirus cases. Based on a report on GMA News, a junior high school teacher in Japan is one of the recent case of coronavirus in the country.

The said educator is a 60-year-old woman who teaches in Chiba prefecture in the east of Tokyo. According to the report, the woman was still able to report to work even when the symptoms were already developing.

The local government reportedly decided to close the school for two (2) days. The other three (2) new cases of coronavirus include a woman in her 30s from the same prefecture, and two (2) men in Kumamoto, Japan.

READ ALSO: Coronavirus Cases In Korea Rising With Over 100 Cases Today

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