The President Of Indonesia Gives Thanks To PH Hero Surfer Roger Casugay
PRESIDENT OF INDONESIA – Because of his heroics, Philippine surfer Roger Casugay was lauded by netizens for his bravery and was thanked by Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo.

Recently, Pinoy surfer Roger Casugay was praised for saving his competitor from drowning during SEA Games 2019. Casugay gave away his sure-shot to bag the gold medal to help his rival Arip Nurhidayat.
Aside from winning the gold medal, he was hailed as a hero in the entire Southeast Asia for saving his rival. He gained a lot of praise from millions of people.
Because of his heroic actions, Csugay has been tapped to be the Philippines’ flag-bearer for the SEA Games’ closing rites. He proves to be an exemplary example to everyone in the entire world.

With this, the Pinoy surfer was even thanked by the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo on Twitter. Based on an article from When in Manila, the Indonesian President said this:
To win a competition and uphold sportsmanship are important, but humanity is above all. My appreciation for Roger Casugay, a Filipino surfer who lost the chance to gain gold to save an Indonesian athlete from falling during the competition
President Joko Widodo
In addition to this, the official Facebook page of the 2019 SEA Games shared the incident. They said:
In the midst of the men’s longboard open competition for surfing, Indonesia’s Arip Nurhidayat broke his leash and was swept away by the waves. The Philippines’ Roger Casugay came to the rescue, setting aside the ongoing battle for the gold. This is how #WeWinAsOne
However, Casugay never identified himself as a hero. He said that he didn’t really save his competitor from drowning. Casugay added that he was a really good swimmer and that he just calmed him down.
Like this article? READ ALSO: SEA Games 2019: Filipino Surfer Roger Casugay Lauded For Saving Rival