Dizziness – 5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness

5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness

DIZZINESS – In this article, we will learn about 5 simple but effective home remedies for dizziness.

Dizziness - 5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness
Image from: Paras Hospital

Dizziness is the term used to describe a range of sensations. You could be feeling faint, woozy, weak or even unstable.

This has happened to many of us. Sometimes it’s caused by reactions from medicine, exerting yourself too hard, or even a serious medical condition.

So, if you’re experiencing these symptoms, here are 5 simple remedies you could do at home.

Drink water before a meal – When you eat, your blood pressure could have a drop. This could potentially leave you feeling dizzy and light-headed.

Dizziness - 5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness
Image from: Shutterstock

However, you can bypass this condition called postprandial hypotension by simply drinking a glass of water. Researchers recommended you drink 15 minutes before eating.

Avoid long hot showers and baths – It might seem tempting to stay in the comfort of a nice long hot bath. However, this could have negative effects on our bodies.

Dizziness - 5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness
Image from: Healthline

Heat dilates your blood vessels. This could lead to a drop in blood pressure leaving you dizzy.

Eat Whole Grains – Heavy food meals that your body could digest quickly can cause your blood pressure to drop. These meals include white rice, potatoes, and food with refined flour and sugar.

Dizziness - 5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness
Image from: Self.com

To avoid blood sugar dips, The Healthy recommends eating slow-digesting, fiber-rich foods like beans and whole grains.

Apple Cider Vinegar – As you could tell, one of the most common reasons for dizziness is low blood sugar.

Dizziness - 5 Simple Home Remedies For Dizziness
Image from: Healthline

However, studies have shown that consuming apple cider vinegar resulted in better post-meal blood glucose levels. But, researchers caution people with diabetes should consult their doctors first.

Stay HydratedDrinking water has a lot of health benefits. It could even help out with dizziness as well.

Female drinking
Photo Source: Runner’s World

If you have ever felt dizzy after standing up from sitting for a long period of time, that sensation is called postural hypotension. This is caused by low blood pressure from a sudden position change and is linked to dehydration.

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