Most Expensive Foods In The World & How Much They Are

Check out this list of most expensive foods in the world.

MOST EXPENSIVE FOODS – Here are some of the most expensive foods in the world and how much they are when it comes to price.

Everyone is definitely a food love. But these foods we have listed below are just some of the most expensive in the world due to its rarity, dangerous collection, and delicate processes.

See below:

  • Matsutake Mushrooms
Most Expensive Foods
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This costs $600 for a single kilogram and is native to Japan. They are also growing in several Asian countries. However, their growth is very delicate and their number have decreased because of insects. There’s a big possibility they might disappear in the future.

  • Kopi Luwak Coffee
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Found in Indonesia, Philippines, and in southern India, Kopi Luwak is considered as the most expensive coffee in the world costing between $250 to $1,200 per kilogram.

  • White Pearl Albino Caviar
Most Expensive Foods
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This caviar costs €8,500 ($9,100) from albino sturgeon, a kind of large fish living in the Caspian Sea.

  • Swallows’ Nest Soup
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This nest made purely out of the saliva of these birds, this had become a delicacy in China and its high price, which is $3,000 per kilogram, is due to the danger in collecting it as these bird build it on sheer cliffs.

  • Saffron
Most Expensive Foods
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A seasoning costing $400 to $1,000 per kilogram for this only grows seven days a year in autumn and collection of this is quite hard. In one kilogram, one has to necessarily pick 300,000 flowers.

  • White Truffles
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In Europe, 1 kg of white truffles is around €2,000 ($2,100).

  • Ayam Cemani Black Chicken
Most Expensive Foods
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This chicken is bred in Indonesia but strictly not exported due to the possibility that it could spread bird flu. This costs around $200 in Indonesia.

  • Japanese Wagyu Steaks
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One kilogram of this beef is $450 being one of the tastiest and most expensive delicacies in the world.

  • Dry-Cured Iberian Ham
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The most expensive ham is produced in Spain from Iberian pigs exclusively fed of acorns. This costs around €365 ($392).

  • Moose Cheese
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This is only produced in Sweden costing around €1,000 ($1,074) per kilogram.


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Source: Bright Side

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