HIDDEN DEPRESSION: Signs If A Person Is Concealing Depression

Here are the signs of hidden depression

Depression is one of the most alarming mental health issues and hidden depression could be more dangerous as people experiencing this tend to conceal the problem.

Throughout the years, more and more people in the younger generation are suffering from this mental health problem.

This mental issue does not choose whether a person is in the upper class of the society or those who are in the middle class, Depression also does not choose what age or status a person belongs to.

hidden depression signs
Photo courtesy of Health Flash

One aggravating factor to this is when a depressed person is trying to hide the real deal.

In order to be aware, here are the signs of hidden depression, according to Psych Central.

Unusual sleep, eating or drinking habits that differ from their normal ones

When you noticed that people suddenly change their sleep or eat habit in significant ways, then this could be a sign that something is wrong. Having a good sleeping habit is a sign that a person has good physical and mental health.

There are also instances that people with depression tend to turn their attention to food or alcohol, Be aware if a person is overeating. However, there are also cases that a person frequently skips meals when feeling depressed.

Wearing forced “happy face” and are always making excuses

A depressed person wears a fake happy face but eventually, the real emotion will emerge. This is one of the reasons that they avoid to be with other people for a longer time. One can easily notice a genuine smile or if it just forced.

Because people with hidden depression are trying their best to conceal their feeling, they make excuses to be away with other people.

Talking more philosophically than normal

If a person does not talk philosophically most of the time and suddenly, he or she is doing this, then it could be a sign of depression. Be aware if they started to talk about the meaning of life, finding happiness or a better path in the journey of life or if they acknowledge occasional thoughts of wanting to hurt themselves.

Putting out a cry for help, only to take it back

Hiding depression is also a big struggle for a person who is feeling this. There are times that depressed people will take off their mask to reveal what they truly feel but later on realizing that they don’t want other people to see their weakness.

Feeling things more intensely than normal

Normal people also feel emotional but once a person’s emotion is so intense, then this could be a sign of depression. ” This might come across as someone who doesn’t normally cry while watching a TV show or movie suddenly breaks out in tears during a poignant scene. Or someone who doesn’t normally get angry about anything suddenly gets very mad at a driver who cut them off in traffic,” the article stated.

Looking at things with a less optimistic point of view than usual

People without depression tend to be more optimistic and have expectations that aren’t as grounded in their actual circumstances. On the contrary, people with hidden depression have a realistic picture of the world around them and their impact on it. Psychologists called this situation as depressive realism.

READ ALSO: 5 Ways In Dealing w/ Depression That’s Rampant Now

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