Learn Intermittent Fasting, An Effective Way To Lose Weight
Intermittent Fasting – an effective method of losing excess weight from the body that involves patterns of eating and fasting.
Nowadays, most people are very conscious when it comes to their body physique with the fear of gaining too much weight.
Losing body weight could not only improve the individual’s body figure but can also enhance the body’s health.

Intermittent fasting is one of the effective methods to lose excess weight with a lot of benefits.
IF is not a diet but an eating pattern that cycles between the state of eating and fasting. It does not change the food we ate but it changes the time of eating.
The fasting state puts our body in a fat burning state that digests calories faster compared to the normal eating schedule.

- 16/8 Methods
This method means 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating
- Eat-Stop-Eat
You could fast for 24 hours once or twice a week.
- 5:2 Diet
This diet requires individuals to eat only 500-600 calories twice a week but you can eat normally during the remaining days.
IF Benefits:
- Longer Life
- Reduces Risk of Cancer
- Easier Than Diet
- Makes Day Simpler
- Weight loss
- Prevent inflammation
- Improves Brain Health
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