Guide on the Meaning of Conjunction & Its Examples
CONJUNCTION – Here is a discussion on the meaning and the examples of this part of speech in English.
In English, one of the most prominent lessons is the parts of speech. There are eight (8) of them. The value of the knowledge about each of them extends to other lessons not only within the subject but in speaking and writing as a while.
One of the parts of speech is conjunction. In this article, we will learn about its meaning and as well as some examples.

What is ‘conjunction’?
It is a part of speech in English that joins together words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Some of its examples can easily be remembered through the mnemonic device “Fanboys”.
Examples of Conjunction:
F – for
A – and
N – nor
B – but
O – or
Y – yet
S – so
For – It is used to indicate a result or to indicate the receiver of the action.
- Knock on the door before you open for it is one of the protocols here.
- The new shirt is for Jaime.
And – It is used two simple connect two(2) or more ideas or things that belong together.
- Justine and Tiago came to school early.
- She will wash the dishes and I will feed the dogs.
Nor – It is used two connect two(2) actions that were not done or two(2) things that receive a common a action that was, is, or will not be done.
- Christopher did not water the plants nor clean the backyards so his mother got angry.
- I will not buy the shirt nor the blouse.
But – This is used to combine two(2) ideas. Usually, one has a negative impact while the other has a positive one.
- The carpenter will not arrive but dad has already hired a new one.
- Malou will not go to the party but she will surely visit you tomorrow morning.
Or – It is used in between options.
- You will come here or I will fetch you there?
- Do I need to bring a jacket or a raincoat?
Yet – This conjunction serves like ‘But’. Usually, it connects two(2) ideas with different impact.
- The teacher was already tired yet she has to finish all the tasks.
- The gardener planned not to water the plants in the morning yet he has to change the plan as it is summer season now.
So – “So” indicates an effect or a product of the action or event.
- It rained hard so Dave was not able to leave the house.
- The refrigerator was turned off so all the ice will melt.