What are the effects of a sliced onion put on our feet?
ONION – Here are some of the amazing and surprising effects if we put a slice of onion on the sole of our feet for overnight.
Among the most overlooked parts of our body are the soles of our feet. However, not anyone might not know this that this part is where exactly many nerve endings connected to different organs, is located. And when an onion placed on it, who would have thought that there are these amazing effects?

Control inflammation and oxidative stress are just two of the healthy effects of onion. Moreover, it is known for lowering blood pressure, reducing blood sugar, and has properties that detoxifies blood. Now, what is the effect of a slice of an onion placed on the soles of our feet?
Here are some of them:
- HEAL INFECTION – Accordingly, onions are natural antibiotic. However, it may help the progress of one’s medical treatment but does not mean that it could replace antibiotics from the doctor.
- ELIMINATE TOXINS – It is because of the phosphoric acid present in it and magnets toxic substances.
- HYDRATION – Onions are composed of 90% water.
- STRENGTHEN IMMUNE SYSTEM – They have vitamins E and C needed for our bodies’ defenses. They also slow down the cellular aging process.
Slice an onion and put the largest one on your soles, specifically, on the arches then leave it for overnight covered with socks. However, the only downside of this method is the smell that will leave your room. Also, the best type of onion to use is either the white or the red.
READ ALSO: Health Benefits Of Eating Red Onions Will Surprise You
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Source: Netral News