“My Love For My Mom Is Bone-Deep” | Share If You Can Relate

A Mom Is God’s Greatest Blessing

Do you also have a bone-deep kind of love for your mom who will surely do anything and everything for you?

A mom is one of God’s best blessings to each of us. She is an assurance that there will always be at least one(1) person who will love us unconditionally and would take care of us.

A mother carries her child for nine(9) months in her womb but the child will forever stay in her heart. The sleepless during and after pregnancy will always be worth it for her.

In times of confusion, pain, and struggles, a mother is someone you can ran to. Her arms are always ready to give an embrace and her heart to keep you and protect you. She will do anything for you.

The love of a mother comes with no limits, with no conditions. They, too, deserve that kind of love – one that is bone-deep and surpasses life itself.

Do you also love your mom bone-deep? Feel free to share this article and let her know in a simple way how much you love her.

READ ALSO: “My Parents Are Among God’s Greatest Blessings”

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