This Alligator Was Spotted With A Knife Lodged Onto Its Skull
ALLIGATOR – A shocking sight for the local residents when an alligator was spotted with a huge knife stuck on its head at Fort Bend County, Texas.

Crocodiles and alligators are two of the reptiles in the wild with the deadliest bites. In the Philippines, a man in Palawan was allegedly attacked by crocodiles.
Because these reptiles are dangerous, it is suggested to stay away to avoid bothering them in their habitats. It is never a good choice to engage in a fight with an alligator.
In Fort Bend County, Texas, an alligator was seen with a knife on its head.
The reptiles was first seen in lake at the Orchard Lakes Estate. The unfortunate sight was photographed by a woman who also noticed the knife lodged onto the reptiles head.
Erin Weaver took the photo and shared it on social media which then triggered concerns for the animal.
The sighting angered families in the Orchard Lakes Estate.
But the negative emotion was not brought by the animal’s size or it causing nuisance but because reptile looked like it needed help.
Erin Weaver explained what she saw in a statement in a report by ABC 13. She said: “I saw him swimming and then I saw him turn, like swimming towards me, and I saw something sticking out of his head.”
This is according to an article from ABC 13.
She initially saw the thing on the alligator’s head and thought it was a steak knife. She apparently did not see exactly if the knife was lodged onto the reptile’s eye, but she’s certain that it was really near its eye.
The Orchard Lakes Estate is known for the reptilian groups living alongside people in the area.
Weaver, has been in the area for six years claimed that she has never seen the animals being aggressive, saying:
“Never have I seen them aggressive or even defensive, if you walk by and startle, them they just go under water.”
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.