The 14 Stations of the Cross and some facts about it.
14 STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Here’s the 14 Stations of the Cross and some few facts about this that you probably didn’t know yet.
Here’s the 14 Stations of the Cross:
1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death

Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to death but it was accordingly not entirely his decision. He was pushed through by the crowd.
2nd Station: Jesus carries his cross

He bore his own cross for two kilometers while badly beaten, shouted, thrown stones at, and among other unimaginable things one could inflict to the other.
3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time

He fell and no one was there to back Him up.
4th Station: Jesus meets his mother

She was there and He found strength. She gave birth to Jesus without doing “it”.
5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross

Out of the crowd, a man was taken out and was forced to help Jesus carry his cross.
6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

Veronica washed off the blood-filled face of Jesus Christ, thus, leaving an imprint of His face on the piece of cloth.
7th Station: Jesus falls the second time

He fell again along the Via Dolorosa (Rue de Sorrow) but He got up, stood, and helped Himself.
8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

This is what Jesus has said to them: “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!’ Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us’; and to the hills, ‘Cover us’. For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
9th Station: Jesus falls a third time

And He falls again out of too much exhaustion not throwing pretty gazes at the Father Above anymore.
10th Station: Jesus’ clothes are taken away

He was bare and was humiliated.
11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross

He was crucified in the most agonizing way using large nails hammered down on his wrists and ankles breaking into His flesh and tendons.
12th Station: Jesus dies on the cross

He was situated in the middle of the two robbers who was also crucified as a punishment for their worse doing. And after three hours of pure pain – physically and emotionally – He faded out.
13th Station: The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross

He was then taken down – His body cold and pale due to running out of blood.
14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb

A rich guy named Joseph of Arimathea helped to bury Jesus. But miracles do happens. On the third day, He rose again.
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