THAILAND: Lists of Do’s and Don’t in Visiting Thailand

Observes these Do’s and Don’ts When You’re in Thailand

THAILAND – Here are the lists of the do’s and don’ts when you on a visit to this Southeast Asian country.

The world is filled with beautiful countries and each really has something to offer. That is why a lot of people would prefer going on travels may it be domestic or international rather than buy luxurious things.

When you go for a travel, you’ll witness a different culture, meet new people, see spectacular spots, taste unique food, and bring back a whole new perspective about life.

Are you one of those who are craving for a travel soon? There are a lot of beautiful countries that you can visit including Thailand.

Photo Courtesy of Croda

A lot of people dream of traveling to Thailand. But, before flying to this Southeast Asian country, it is important you know the do’s and don’ts in the place.

Based on an article on Thaizer, here are the lists of the do’s and don’ts in visiting Thailand:


  • Do respect the images of Buddha.
  • Do wear proper dress most especially in visiting temples.
  • Do remove your shoes before going in a temple.
  • Do eat with spoon.
  • Do pay respect to monks.
  • Do lower your body everytime you pass by in between of two(2) people.
  • Do learn the basic greetings in Thai


  • Don’t touch a Thai girl / woman.
  • Don’t show disrespect to the Royal Family in Thailand.
  • Don’t cross your legs while sitting on a floor or chair when there is a monk.
  • Don’t be too affectionate to another person in public. Based on the article, holding hands can be seen in the country now but being too affectionate is strictly prohibited most especially in temples.
  • Don’t touch the hair or ruffle of a Thai person.
  • Don’t put your feet on the table and don’t use it in pointing towards something.
  • Don’t bring Buddha images out the country. According to the article, it may be sold in stores but bringing it home may require special permission.

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