COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: 10 Questions Usually Asked During Job Interview

List of 10 Common Interview Questions You May Prepare An Answer For

COMMON INTERVIEW QUESTIONS – Here is a list of ten(10) job interview questions that are usually asked to applicants.

One of the common parts of hiring or job application process is the interview. Usually, it is among the parts that is close to employment that is why many consider some job interview tips.

Are you also one of those who are applying or will be applying for a certain job soon? You might also be nervous about the interview part and wanted to know some possible questions.

You read it right! There are a lot of possible questions during a job interview. These may be considered as basic question but in each of them comes along the chance to increase your chances of being picked.

Common Interview Questions
Photo Courtesy of Career Paths

Based on an article on The Balance Careers, here is a list of ten(10) common interview questions or lines during a job hiring or employment:

1. Tell me about yourself.

Usually, job interviews with begin with it. Make sure to give short but direct to the point description of yourself which may include where you are living at, where you graduated from, your hobbies, etc.

2. What is your strength?

Explain the thing you are good at but do not brag. Recognize that your experiences and a lot of other people have helped you become good at it. Also, acknowledge that there is still enough room for improvement.

3. Why should we hire you?

Boost yourself and your strength but never point out why you are better from other applicants. Just be true to your qualities that really suit the position.

4. What is your weaknesses?

Be honest about your weaknesses or the things you are quite not good at. Be sure to be open on working on these weaknesses for a better you.

5. Why did you left your previous job?

Explain why you left your previous job by stating the real reason. Acknowledge how your previous job has helped you.

6. Why do you want the job you are applying for?

Be honest with the reason why you are applying for the job. Make sure that it suits you in different aspects like your skills, your practical pursuit, your determination, etc.

7. Share about a difficult work or project and how you surpassed it.

Choose one difficult situation at work before and be open how did you feel and what you did to surpass it.

8. How do you deal with pressure and stress?

Give an example of a situation that caused you pressure and stress and share how you dealt with it. Raised lessons about patience and what those difficult situations thought you.

9. What do you expect when it comes to the salary?

Based on the article, when it comes to your salary expectation, research ahead of time the common range of salary for the job your applying for. Overpricing might decrease your chances of getting hired.

10. What are your goals?

Keep your answer going around the job you are applying for. Make connections that can link it to your personal goals in life.

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