Senators’ Responsibilities Aside From Lawmaking
Here are some of the responsibilities of a senatorial candidate aside from lawmaking after winning the 2019 midterm elections.
Over the past few weeks, the senatorial candidates are now busy making campaign programs and events for the upcoming election.
The election candidates are exerting extra effort to earn the sympathy and heart of the Filipino voters.

Senatorial candidates were only given 5-minute limit on stage to discuss their platform and gave their speech.
Aspiring lawmakers are making different types of gimmick illustrating of how votes are courted in the Philippines.
Voters should consider the education, literacy, and competence in picking their senatorial bets.

Lawmakers were given a heavy burden with tasks requiring much more than basic literacy.
Here are some important functions of senators:
- Lawmaking – Bill filing after carefully studying and consulting it before have them signed into law
- Budget – Determining how the government spends public fund based on the national budget
- Impeachment Judges – Senators also sit as judges in impeachment trial
- In Case of War – Power to declare state of war
- Amnesty – Lawmakers’ concurrence is needed on the president’s grant of amnesty
- Oversight – Reviewing how particular laws are implemented and conducting investigations in aid of legislation
- Appointments – Have the power the scrutinize certain appointments made by the President
- Treaty Occurrence – Evaluate treaties entered into by the country’s government
- Martial Law – Could revoke or extend Martial Law with the rest of Congress
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