Bangsamoro Organic Law Voting “Successful” Says COMELEC

COMELEC, PNP Says Bangsamoro Organic Law Voting Yesterday was “Successful”

BANGSAMORO ORGANIC LAW – The COMELEC and PNP stated that the Bangsamoro Organic Law voting yesterday was “successful.

Following a previous article, the first voting day of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) plebiscite occurred yesterday January 21, 2019.

It is one of the bills that were passed under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte. The bill was officially signed last year in July.

Bangsamoro Organic Law Duterte
Photo Source: Philippine Star

2 million voters from Mindanao are given a chance to decide if they wanted to join or not to join the new Bangsamoro entity.

The voting was a result of the peace talks between the Philippine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Bangsamoro Organic Law
Photo Source:

The participants during the voting yesterday: Cotabato City, Isabela City, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, Maguindanao, Lanao Del Sur.

Photo Source:

Based on a report from Philnstar, the Commission on Election (COMELEC) spokesman, James Jimenez, and the Philippine National Police (PNP) declared the voting “successful”. Despite the delays in opening the precincts.

“Overall, the BOL plebiscite is successful. We just have to wait for the results,” said Jimenez.

Bangsamoro Organic Law 1
Photo Source: ABS-CBN News

According to the report, the polling precincts opened 100%. However, 24 out of 374 precincts got delayed because some teachers did not show up.

The teachers who did not show up revealed that they received “treat messages” that is why they decided not to go to the polling precincts.

James Jimenez stated that those teachers were replaced so they can continue with the proceedings. If they did not make a move on replacing them, around 8000 voters won’t be able to vote.

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Photo Source: ABS-CBN News

Based on the report, PNP Chief Director General Oscar Albayalde stated that the plebiscite for the BOL was peaceful.

“The plebiscite is foreseen to be peaceful because a majority of the electorate is in favor of the Bangsamoro Organic Law,” said Albayalde.

It’s a good sign that most people in Mindanao participated willingly and peacefully on the new bill. We can all hope for the peace in the whole country.

Photo Source: Romblon News Network

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