Pinay OFW Complains Against Hong Kong Employer’s Verbal Abuse

Pinay OFW Complains Against Her Hong Kong Employer’s Verbal Abuse

A Pinay OFW complained against her employer in Hong Kong for abusing her verbally after she was caught using a phone during working hours.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are enduring a hard and difficult life working abroad just to earn a huge amount of cash for their families.

Filipino migrant workers are sacrificing their own happiness working in other countries to give their loved a brighter and a better future.

Pinay OFW

Recently, the Facebook page “Time News International” has uploaded the video footage of a Pinay domestic helper complaining against her employer for verbally abusing her.

The Filipina worker gets criticized by Hong Kong employers for using her mobile phone during working hours.

Pinay OFW

In the video, it can be seen that the Pinay worker and her lady employer were having an exchange of heated argument about her mobile phone usage at work.

The caption of the video urges the employers to motivate their maids and give them words of encouragement. Understand their pain, instead of criticizing and pushing them down.

Here is the full post:

Put back your Mobil inside your Bra!! Filipina maid gets criticized by Hong Kong employers using mobile phone during working hours. Ma’am you are too much talking… stop ? now…. 

Hong Kong ?? These Warning Signs why maids Under Too Much Stress (And What to Do About It ?) More employers unhappy over maids’ mobile phone usage, Employers bad habit- Too much talk ?? this happens 1st of September 2018. Let’s watch this ? hope you guys understand the employer #Chinglish 

There’s are too many employers criticizing their maids, pushing them down, looking for their faults and dooming them. Be the positive force who tries to push them up, motivate them, see the best in them, offer words of encouragement and lift them up. Before you criticise and label your maids, take a minute to understand their pain & turmoil. How would you react under the same conditions?”

Mhelinda Abellon Rios Cosme: “Hahahhahaha..youre so funny madam…idiot im alone whole day at home unlimited wifi…but my boss never complain what im doing for whole day!!! Please dont hire maid lahhhhh…idiot Chinese”

Miinda Jones: “She’s right you know you’re working for hair and do your job and stop playing with your telephone put it on the closet when you’re not working and then you can play your pc, she is right no phone on the job when I was working the phone is in the lockernot on my browser or in the table! kaya ayosin nyo yang ginagawa mo atsa ginagawa moyan you deserve to get fired, that’s my opinion because you just give her you giving her too much stress and no respect to your Amo I’m disappointed of your job not doing!kaya go home mag tanim kanalang ng kamoti you’re just ruining the image of your Kabayan maldita ka at maarti?”

Elen Sarmiento: “If u think ur helper wasn’t doing her job properly then feel free to terminate her !
Choice is urs madam, u (–foul word(s) removed–) nuisance !!
Don’t even dare to show up ur face,shame on u !”

Panza Lp Hk: “Its not a proper way how you deal with your maid…why not talk to her in a nice way and let her understand ur rules inside the house?release her if your not satisfied with her work..just that simple….employers like u are headache…..”

Edyl Ganado “I have former employer the same behavior to this and my best revenge is turn off my cp with in whole week even on my dayoff,oneday they tried to call me cp can’t be reach pag dating sa bahay umuusok ang ilong sa galit, im just simply answer,cp is off and ur not allowed me to use it thats it, with a smile! Since then they asked me to turn on and use it!”

Yohanah Lightart: “Employer so crazy …my helper use phone all the time I just tell her I’m not complain as long there are clean and have time for my kid dont get accident to my kid…I always perfer call no texting .”

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