Concerned Netizen Complains On Dirty Water From Bacolod City Water District

Dirty Water From Bacolod City Water District Exposed By Concerned Netizen

A concerned netizen has complained about the alleged dirty water coming from the faucet supplied of Bacolod City Water District (BACIWA).

Water is one of the most important things and essential to every living thing in the world, especially for human beings.

People need a safe drinking water in order to live fit and healthy prompting water companies to produce clean water for safer consumption.

Dirty Water


Recently, a Facebook user named Zha Via Brittany Xael has shared a video footage of the dirty water coming out of the faucet from the city’s water district.

In the video, it can be seen that Brittany was holding a clear glass full of dirty water coming out of the faucet.

Dirty Water

The glass of water from the faucet seems so polluted, which resembles the color of an ice tea or ‘Coke’.

The water in the area was allegedly supplied by Bacolod City Water District (BACIWA).

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