Little Boy Drowns In A Crowded Swimming Pool, No One Even Noticed!

A little boy just kept on floating above the waters of pool and anyone did not even noticed that he is already drowning.

LITTLE BOY – Recently, a video was posted and went viral when the video depicts the floating boy which is actually drowning, netizens who saw could not help but react.

Summer is indeed a perfect time to splash and dip ourselves into cold waters of the swimming pool together with our family. But, safety measures before anything else is strongly advised especially to the little children.

Families who go outings usually opt to go to resorts with swimming pool for they believe that it was much safer than oceans and beaches.

Drowning, no matter how far or near you are from the victim, is often considered as a silent killer.

As per the post of ร้อยเรื่องราว(@100storyfanpage) a certain Facebook page , the posted video had gathered million of views and netizens were not happy as to what they saw on the video.

Based on the filmed footage, a boy was left in the middle part of the pool with its depth measuring higher than that compared to the height of the little boy.

The boy was facing above the water and he was struggling to stay on that position when he suddenly turned his body and face down on the water still afloat.

The pool was crowded  and it can be seen that the people saw the poor boy yet seem not to give a care as they were just passing by him.

Minutes later, a concerned lady saw the situation of the boy and she quickly swam to him to save him. When the boy was out from the water, he is obviously out of conscious.

Watch the video below:

On the second  footage, people were in panic because of the boy. There were men who were trying revive him through resuscitating. There were no follow up reports about the child after the incident.

Netizens were even enrage to the one who took the video because instead of saving the child, he just kept on recording.

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