A Facebook post of the Megastar Sharon Cuneta crossed over the net and fans were sad on her statement.
SHARON CUNETA – The Megastar had recently posted on her Facebook account which brought curiosity to her fans.
Just last week, Sharon Cuneta posted on her Instagram account that she is going to take a vacation alone as flew to the United States.
She even stated on that post that she “has to collect herself and regroup once again” only that what she hates going is being away from her family.
And even added that we have to take care of ourselves too, “otherwise how can we take care of others” which left some of her fans and followers in a puzzle and in a maze because of the contents of the post.
And recently on her official Facebook account, she said in her statement, “Sometimes, the girl is away, and just doesn’t want to go back home anymore.”

Thus, this statement sparked a mysterious eerie, most especially to her fans as to what she is going through to post such though she did not directly admit that she was referring to herself.
Fans and concerned citizen of the net cannot ask the personal matter which the megastar is going through. When they saw the post, they could only offer words of support to the actress and singer.
A fan of her said, “Dear Mega..The girl that you mean is you??Please don’t stay being only a girl inside you..your a TOTAL WOMAN…dont forget that..be strong and trust God ..He has a plan for you..”
Meanwhile, a fan and a supporter also said, ” There are times that we get tired of something. It is just right to take some rest from it all to regain strength. But we should never ever give up from moving on. “
Whatever may the megastar is going through, may it be a family dilemma or a personal fight that’s within her. Let her be. She knows how to deal with it and surely, she could surpass it.