North Korean Ghost Ships Containing Rotting Corpses Found In Japan

North Korean Ghost Ships Found In Japan

North Korean ghost ships containing rotting corpses were found by the Japanese authorities in the coastal areas of Japan.

Japanese authorities were still bothered by the arrival of dozens of decaying naval vessels, which are silently floating toward the shore. The vessels found in the coastal areas of Japan carrying cargos was also containing a tattered North Korean flag.

The tattered North Korean flag indicates that the mysterious ships were owned by the “Korean People’s Army.” The dozens of decaying naval vessels were called as “Ghost Ships” for it contains rotting corpses, which are suspected as fishermen who were stuck in the middle of the sea.

North Korean Ghost Ships

Kim Jong-Un, the North Korean leader was struggling to feed his people because of the famines killing thousands. He has been putting too much pressure on the country’s fishing industry to increase its production.

The fishermen were forced to sail out further to fulfill the demand of Kim. The rickety boats don’t have any GPS equipment and were ill-equipped for its rough condition on the open ocean, according to Japan times.

There are also some rumors that the rotting corpses were desperate defectors who wanted to escape the oppressive regime of Kim Jong-Un. The defectors risk their lives to travel hundreds of miles across the Sea of Japan, where it is more to sail to South Korea. However, the expert believes that the dead men were just poor fishermen based on their clothes.

North Korean Ghost Ships

The North Korean leader was also sending out inexperienced soldiers to sea to increase its production. “When Kim Jong-un issues an order no one can ignore it, even if he is asking them to do the impossible. That means inexperienced soldiers go out to sea, even in terrible conditions and with no idea what they are doing,” said by Jiro Ishimaru of Asia Press quoted by The Sun.

The experts believe that the fishing vessels was caught in bad weather, drifting in the ocean until its crew starved to death.

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