Bishop Says CA Rejection To Lopez As DENR Secretary Is Betrayal To People, God

Bishop states that the CA’s rejection to Lopez to be the DENR secretary is a betrayal to people and to God.

LOPEZ –  Rejection of the Commission of Appointments to Gina Lopez as the secretary of Department of Environment and Natural Resources is a treachery to God and to people.

According to the report of the News Info Learn, it is a treacherous act for law-makers to spurn Lopez to be the secretary of DENR on Wednesday during the third and final hearing of the appointment of her, of whom is based on the statement of Lipa Archbishop Emeritus Ramon Arguelles.

He even added that the refusal of the appointment is due to the selfish interest of those who are in power without thinking the future ahead of everyone. The only intention of  the supposedly secretary is to preserve and to take care of the environment.

Arguelles even stated that the refusal of the law-makers shows the kind of leaders that we have.

He even added, “They betray God and our people because of self interest and because of the interest of the abusive few, God’s creation nad the environment is meant for the common good is further exposed to degradation.”

The bishop is calling for everyone that it is ‘high-time’ of the nation to be free of corrupt leaders and that the president of country should be true in his commitment to defend the country from these kind of leaders.

However, Antonieto Cabajog, bishop of Surigao, was bothered by the continuing mining in their place after  the rejection. The bishop even said that Lopez is a great loss for ‘Surigao has more t offer in  terms of eco-tourism’.

The Manila Executive Director Father Anton Pascual indicated that she is the symbol of the crusade ‘to protect and preserve our environment and the future of humanity’.


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