Bakuna Boys, a boy band that has music videos supporting and promoting the free vaccination of DOH for the babies.
BAKUNA BOYS – A boy band on rise has arrived as their music video went viral.
The said boy band was first launched by the Department of Health to promote the free vaccination for babies.
It was the agency’s fun way to remind the mothers to have their babies and children be vaccinated.
According to the report of the ABS-CB News, the Bakuna Boys is a group of five men similar like that of the 90’s popular boy band, the The Backstreet Boys.
As shown on the video, posted by the Youtube Channel of the Department of Health, the men are complete with matching get-ups, has the feeling of that of a heartthrob, killer smiles moves in neat and synchronize rhythm.
The said ad is created in order to promote to parents to get their child be vaccinated for free against measles, polio, hepatitis, meningitis and pneumonia.
The video of the five men will indeed out you in doubt if the boys are promoting free vaccination or a real boy band in rise.
Additional to that is these men are undeniably cute and charming.
May through this very entertaining ad of DOH remind the parents that vaccination is for the prevention of the possible disease their children and babies might have while growing up.
And as of this writing the video had gathered 50 thousand views, more than a thousand of reactions and as well as a thousand of comments.
One of the Facebook user who saw the video has left a comment that the song caused him the Last Song Syndrome.
The people who have already watched the video had fun while watching it.
Watch the video below and leave reactions below: