Young Melon-Headed Whale Accidentally Entangled, Died in Anchor Line
A young melon-headed whale in Barangay Camague in Iligan died after its tail was accidentally entangled in an anchor line while playing.
Tito Dimco, a fisherman said that a young melon-headed whale was playing around near their fishing at midnight. The young whale was accidentally entangled in the anchor’s rope, which is 30 kilometers off Barangay Camague.
Dimco said that the young whale was dragging their fishing as it swam around just to free itself from the anchor line. The fisherman sailed back to shore around 6 am in the morning together with the whale.
The fisherman brought the whale to the coast and still ties to the rope, but it failed to survive and eventually died. The melon-headed whale is weighing 200 kilograms and 8 feet long in length.
The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said the fisher could cut the rope from the anchor, but the young whale would remain tied to the heavy anchor and will also eventually die.
The whale was estimated 2 to 3 years old, according to the City Agriculture Office of Iligan.
Melon-headed whale is also known as “Many-Toothed Blackfish” or “Electra Dolphin,” from the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae). It is common throughout the tropical waters in the world, but they preferred to remain in the deep.
This type of whale could not often see by humans for they usually stay in the deep. They were very social sea creatures living in large groups between 100 up to 1, 000 of them, but they usually swim in a small group of 10-14.
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