Sumiko Iwamuro has embraced a new field.
Sumiko Iwamuro, an 82-year-old dumpling maker, has embraced a new career. She is now performing as a disc jockey in clubs in Japan.
Not everyone has the courage to venture a new field considering if the person is already above the teenage or middle years. However, an 82-year-old dumpling maker proved that it is always not too late to try something new.
Based on a recent feature report in DJ City, the dumpling maker is now known as DJ Sumirock and she was already in her 70’s when she entered the field of music. It was when she was choosing for s music for the birthday of her son when the Japanese native got motivated to become a DJ.

Believe it or not, the daytime dumpling maker is now on the clubs during night time to play with the beats of music and perform for dancing youngsters who are mostly in their 20s.
The beat maker is mostly loved by the dancers with her energy and the way she incorporate techno with French Chanson, classical, and jazz. For now, she is playing well in Japan, her home country, but her dream does not stop there.
She also dreams of performing in New York City someday.
Indeed, this 82-year-old dumpling maker during the daytime and beat maker during the night time is a proof that venturing fields is not solely based on how young or old you are and that your age is not actually a barrier.
Trying something new is always a decision away. We will never know if how far we can reach in another field if we won’t give it an attempt. Though something may appear to be impossible, one decision could leave the prefix ‘im-‘ behind.