Philippines, Indonesia Among Highest Numbers Of Smokers Worldwide

The Philippines And Indonesia  Were Among The Highest Numbers Of Smokers Worldwide

The Philippines and Indonesia were among the countries with the highest numbers of smokers worldwide, according to a research study.

On Thursday (April 06, 2017), a researcher’s report said that the percentage of ‘daily tobacco smokers’ declines in most countries since 1990, but the numbers of smokers and tobacco-related deaths have increased. A report in the medical journal ‘The Lancet’ warned the public that the percentage of tobacco-related death could rise as tobacco companies target new market.

Global Burden of Diseases reported that 1 out of 4 men and 1 out of 20 women were smoking daily in 2015, which shows a significant drop since 1990. 25 years ago, 1 out of 3 men and 1 out of 12 women smokes every day. Tobacco-related deaths climbed by 4.7 percent as of 2015.

Smokers Worldwide

Smoking is also one of the leading cause of death worldwide with an estimated 1 out of 10 people dies through smoking. Half of these smoke-related deaths only came from 4 countries including Russia, United States, China, and India. While, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, and Brazil are 2/3 of total tobacco users globally.

The percentage of smokers in most countries in the world were already reduced due to package warnings, higher taxes, educational campaign, and government programs to help smokers to quit smoking.

Brazil was leading the reduced percentage of smokers over the 25-year period, from 29 down to 12 percent smokers among men, and from 19 down to 8 percent smokers among women.

Smokers Worldwide

Both the Philippines and Indonesia found no change since 1990 to 2015. The Philippines has 35 percent smokers among men, while Indonesia has 47 percent in 1990, which remains the same until 2015.

What can you say about the Philippines and Indonesia, which are among the countries with highest numbers of smokers in the world? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions for this article.

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