Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella spoke regarding the recently-held prayer rally.
ABELLA – Presidential Spokesman Ernesto Abella commented on the ‘Walk for Life’ prayer rally that was recently held at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila.
Recently, a news report regarding the say of the spokesperson of the President on the ‘Walk for Life’ prayer rally organized by the Catholic Church broke in.
According to the news report in Phil Star Global, Abella emphasized that Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte permits the freedom of expression.
“The President allows the freedom of expression and this is one of them,” the Presidential Spokesman responded when asked to give a comment regarding the prayer rally which gathered thousands of people.

Furthermore, Abella stressed that it is “part of the democratic dynamic”. According to the news report, it was the Council of the Laity of the Philippines who spearheaded the organization of the said prayer rally.
The event which was held at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila was participated by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and thousands of people have also joined the prayer rally.
Reportedly, the Catholic Church has criticized the war on drugs campaign of the Duterte Administration and the revival of the Death Penalty in the country.
Moreover, there were also several instances wherein the Chief Executive and some church officials have engaged in exchanges of statements.
Based on a previous news report, the 71-year-old President has even spoken to the public regarding what he has read from a book.
Speaking in front of the families of the 44 Special Action Force (SAF) cops who lost their lives in Mamasapano encounter in January 2015, the President said that the opening remarks of the book entitled ‘Altar of Secrets’ is about Bishop Bacani who allegedly has two wives.
Furthermore, he compared the bishop for being like a mayor. In response to the allegation, the bishop challenged the President to produce at least one wife and he will give him five million pesos even though he has to loan for it.