Cinnamon An Effective Natural Alternative To Insulin

Cinnamon Can Be A Natural Substitute To Insulin

Insulin was known for its effective anti-diabetic properties but cinnamon can be also a substitute for insulin, which regulates blood sugar level.

Diabetes has been one of the most common diseases in the world. This health issue was caused by different factors such as unhealthy diet, cigarette smoking, eating sugary foods, lack of physical exercise, and drinking alcohol.

This health condition can be fatal and may severely harm the body’s health if left untreated. It can also lead to further complications and serious diseases such as stroke, heart diseases, vision loss, liver, and kidney diseases.


Most diabetics were recommended by medical experts of daily intake of insulin to manage and regulate their sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone naturally produced by our body to reduce high blood sugar level.

Lack of insulin level in the body can increase the blood sugar level in the body. Medical experts use insulin treatment using a syringe to inject the insulin into the body. Natural remedies may be the best alternative to insulin treatment.

Cinnamon also contains powerful anti-diabetic properties similar to insulin, which is recommended to be daily consumed and included to the diet of diabetics. This natural remedy is effective in fighting diabetes.


This powerful natural substance is very effective in reducing blood glucose levels according to some studies in the medical world. It is also considered as a mimetic insulin, which acts almost exactly to the natural insulin produced by our pancreas.

Cinnamon alone can regulate the blood sugar level without the help of any chemical supplement.

Here’s a simple step how to consume cinnamon.


  • 2 teaspoon of cinnamon for diabetics (1 teaspoon if not)
  • 1 tablespoon of oats
  • 1 glass of water


Pour all the ingredients in a glass of water and mix them well. Drink the mixture 2 times a day for 10 to 15 days.

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