A traffic enforcer has been hit by a reckless jeepney driver in Makati City.
RECKLESS – A traffic enforcer has been hit by a jeepney in the intersection road in Makati City. The CCTV footage that captured the incident went viral on the social media.
The social media has made it possible for people across the globe to be aware of what’s happening or what had happened in some parts of the world.
Aside from the fact that the online platform has become one of the sources of news reports regarding political issues and updates on the field of show business, it has also become a home to posts that entail stories from other places.
Usually, photos and videos which entail reports regarding certain incidents in other parts of the world circulate abruptly on the online platform due to netizens’ sharing. There are also netizens who spare time to drop their reactions regarding certain posts.
One of the recently posted videos that have hooked the online community is a CCTV footage posted on the Facebook page James Deakin. The caption of the post emphasized the necessity to ‘regulate drivers before regulating cars’ as stated in a hashtag.

The CCTV footage showed an incident in Makati City wherein a traffic enforcer has been hit by a jeepney in an intersection.
As it can be seen in the video, the jeepney made an abrupt left turn and the traffic officer was looking at the other part of the road when the jeepney hit him.
The impact could really be seen in the footage as the traffic enforcer hit the ground. Fortunately, the traffic enforcer was able to manage to sit after the incident and two men came to aid him.
The viral video has already reached more than five hundred thousand views and 6, 921 shares on the social media as of Wednesday. Lots of netizens commented on the viral post.
Ferdinand Cruz commented:

[The jeepney and bus drivers have no discipline.]
Crisabelle Masangkay commented:

[Hopefully Pres. Duterte not only the drug addicts will be given attention by you but as well as jeepney drivers like this. It is really hopeless that is why there is a need to strengthen the system.]