The House leaders filed a complaint against the alleged ‘bagman’ of Sen. De Lima.
HOUSE – A complaint for not appearing on one of the hearings of the House regarding the alleged drug trade inside the New Bilibid Prison has been filed by the House leaders against Ronnie Dayan.
The alleged drug trade inside the national penitentiary has not yet come to an end. Reportedly, the alleged drug trade center during the time when the newbie Sen. Leila De Lima was the Secretary of Department of Justice.
In the previous months, Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the lady senator have engaged in exchanges of intense statements against each other.
Reportedly, it was Pres. Duterte who made a remark about the real relationship of Sen. De Lima and his former bodyguard and driver, Ronnie Dayan. It took quite a while before the lady senator admitted that she had a past romantic affair with Dayan.
Dayan is not only the bodyguard, driver and lover of the Senator. He is as well the alleged ‘bagman’ of Sen. De Lima as she is currently facing allegations of involvement in the drug trade inside the NBP when she was the Justice Secretary.

Based on a previous news report, the National Bureau of Investigation has even filed a drug case against the lady senator.
In previous reports, it’s stated that Dayan was captured in La Union and appeared before a hearing where he has spoken about his past relationship with the Senator. He has also pinned down Sen. De Lima at some point.
However, the lady Senator absolutely denies her alleged involvement in the drug trade in NBP despite that witnesses, according to a news report in Rappler, have claimed millions of drug money were supposedly collected by Dayan to fund the election campaign of the then-DOJ secretary.
Based on the report, Dayan skipped one of the hearings of the House which prompted the House leaders to file a complaint.
The complaint against the former bodyguard-driver of Sen. De Lima has been filed by the leaders of the House before the Department of Justice.
Article 150 of the Revised Penal Code has been violated by Dayan when he did not appear at the House hearing on the 6th of October according to Rep. Reynaldo Umali, Majority Leader Rodolfo Fariñas, and Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez as stated in the news report.
Furthermore, the report entailed that a fine amounting from P200 up to P1,000 or a punishment of one up to six months of imprisonment or both of it await for a proven violator of Article 150.