Pope Francis Encourages Thousands To Be Politicians

Pope Francis encouraged the youths to get involved in the society and make a move.

Pope Francis addressed thousands of youths in Brzegi, Poland to get away with being a ‘couch potato’.

The 79-year-old Pope spoke in front of the thousands of young people after a mass celebrated in the Field of Mercy with attendees exceeding to 2.5 million pilgrims.

Believing in humanity is the main tone of the Pontiff. In a report in Inquirer, he addressed the young, “Dear young people, we didn’t come into this world to vegetate”. He further elaborated as with the idea that we are not alive just to live an easy life.

According to the Pope, leaving a mark is the reason why the youths came into this world. Around 1 million people were able to hear the message of encouragement from Pope Francis.

His main purpose is to get the youth moving – to take away their mindsets from focusing on easy lives considering the rapid advancement that Science and Technology has brought into the world. This phase is a great challenge to humanity.

The Pontiff wants the young generation to get involved and socialize. He wants the youth to engage in making a better and whole new world.

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