One of the world’s youngest billionaires and the young guy responsible for the social media phenomenon Facebook, will put 99% of his Facebook Inc shares, which is estimated to be worth more than $45 billion, into a new philanthropy project founded by himself and wife Priscilla Chan-Zuckerberg.
The new philanthropy project will be focusing on human potential and equality according to the letter written by the famous couple to their newborn daughter.
Based upon the plan which was posted in the official Facebook Page of Mark Zuckerberg, will be named as the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Although it is not new in the world of philanthropy for couple to invest in charity, Zuckerberg was considered as the youngest businessman to envision such project.
Mark Zuckerberg’s plan attracted more than 600,000 “Facebook Likes,” which includes some of the world’s most renowned personalities such as singer Shakira, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Melinda Gates, the wife of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates.
Reports stated that the 31-year-old Mark Zuckerberg will control the new initiative, while in-charge of Facebook. He would then sell or give up to $1 billion in shares in each of the next three years. Zuckerberg keeps control of the world’s largest networking site, currently valued at $303 billion.
Aside from the project with his wife, Mark Zuckerberg made headlines earlier when he was just 26 years old, he signed the Giving Pledge, an initiatives which invites the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to commit to giving more than half of their wealth to philanthropy or charitable causes over their lifetime or in their will.