On CCTV: Woman Steals from Man’s Bag Using Blade While Inside a Bank.

Her victim might have not seen what she did. But the security camera recorded everything.

An unsuspecting man came into a busy bank and headed straight to the line for his queue.

Not mindful of what could happen around him, the man confidently put his bag on his arms thinking it is safer since he is inside the bank.

But contrary to what he believed, something happened that would give him the lesson of his life.

A woman dressed up in a blue top, came and found the man as her target.

Positioning herself at the line, at the back of the unsuspecting victim, she slowly edged toward.

As shown in the footage, she then removed a blade from her mouth then sliced the corner of the fabric bag in her front before she quickly took the cash out of the bag.


She hurriedly took the exit of the bank with her accomplice who served as her lookout.

Be aware of this modus. We hope that this footage will remind us in taking extra care.

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