The former Prime Minister of Thailand Yingluck Shinawatra has been detained by Thailand’s military junta that seized power in a coup as revealed by Puea Thai Party on their expose on Saturday, May 24, 2014.
According to the AFP report, the Thai Primer Minister reported to the military junta yesterday. The source was quoted as saying “It is confirmed that she was detained by the military since she reported to the junta yesterday,” the source stated.
The AFP source also added that “We are unsure of her whereabouts because the military confiscated her mobile phones and those of her aides,” the source who worked with Yingluck’s government revealed to the media.
The former Prime Minister and sister of industrialist Thaksin Shinawatra was removed from office in a controversial court ruling earlier this month that set the stage for the military takeover of the government under the leadership of Army Chief General Prayut Cha-O-Cha.
According to some sources from AFP, the former Primer Shingluck Shinawatra was among the 155 prominent figures from both sides of Thailand’s bitter political rival who the army said were summoned, the group also included Shinawatra’s successor, and now deposed caretaker premier Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan.
According to some party mates of Shingluck Shinawatra most of those who were summoned by the military junta appear to have been members of the Puea Thai or their prominent supporters.
All who were summoned by the Thai Army were banned from leaving the country while Yingluck was reportedly moved to another unspecified army installation after she reported to Bangkok Army Facility.