Man leaves $1 million at Italian Restaurant

Cafe Marco
Cafe Marco

Riches are for spending, but what if you have lost your money to spend? Well, that’s disgusting!

Just this day, a man who spent his morning at an Italian restaurant  Cafe Marco in Sydney has left his suitcase “full of money!” Ten Network television reported the incident and the police are now looking for the owner of a suitcase that contained about 1 million Australian dollars ($1 million) in 50 dollar notes.

wow! questo è un sacco di soldi!

According to Detective Inspector Ian Pryde,  a man around 30-years-old wearing surfing shorts and a singlet carried the suitcase into the cafe, and then “seemed to get spooked” and left without the money.

A cafe staff member contacted by telephone told The (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated Press she was too busy with customers to comment.

Seems like the owner’s nowhere to find… I just hope he realize to go back to that Cafe Marco and get his money… We know “money isn’t everything – but it’s a long way ahead of what comes next.”


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