Unfortunately, millions of students around the world are affected this bullying problem and this hurtful, unkind, and constant tease is very common in childhood and is very rampant; ranges from hitting, shoving, name-calling, threats, and mocking to extorting money and treasured possessions that worries everyone.
Bullying is a usual big problem in elementary, and even me myself was a ‘target’ before. Most years that I spent in elementary was very horrible, most of my male cl(–foul word(s) removed–)mates teases me for being so lean, and there’s this one person who I hated so much because of the dubbed names he always calls me. I’m always afraid to go to school, and I always ended up in my room crying. Those days were very upsetting!
I believe bullying is detrimental to students’ well-being and development, and worse, it may lead to some horrible results.
One of these horrifying result of bullying is the death of a 10-year-old girl Ashlynn Conner last November 11.
Ashlynn, an honor roll fifth-grader in her 23 children cl(–foul word(s) removed–) at Ridge Farm Elementary, was found by her sister hanging by a knitted scarf from the rod in her bedroom closet last Friday night.
According to her family, a day earlier, Ashlynn returned home in tears after being taunted by girls at school, and asked to be pulled out of cl(–foul word(s) removed–) to be home schooled. Her mother then told her that they would meet with the school principal on Monday.
Vermilion County Sheriff Patrick Hartshorn said that investigators are treating the case as a suicide and continue to investigate the family’s allegations of bullying.
“We’ve interviewed the friends supposedly involved in it,” Hartshorn told the Danville Commercial-News in a story published Monday. “We haven’t uncovered anything so severe that it would result in someone taking their own life.”
Moreover, according to Ashlynn’s 19-year-old cousin Heidi Paree, Ashlynn had become a target for some of her cl(–foul word(s) removed–)mates years ago.
Paree points to a time when Ashlynn had gotten a short haircut, around the time tryouts began for cheerleading at youth football games.
“They said she looked like a boy, ‘Who’s that boy over there?’ “That kind of thing really upset her,” Paree said.
Ashlynn’s body was buried yesterday.
Let’s define ourselves, not of anyone’s definition! Never allow yourself to be made a victim of bullying!
Bully Suicide Project-Stories
I can’t believe why their are lots of people who are happy when they hurt somebody.
It’s not a good joke to bully a person and died because of you. Think about the conscience after that girl dies because of bullying.